LOCATION: Yalaha - Lake Apopka Rural Protection Area
Dewey Robbins Road, ¾ mile east of Hwy 27
¾ mile west of Turkey Lake Road.
PROPOSAL: 449 single family homes
ANNEXATION: Proposed for Leesburg, Florida
PROJECT SUMMARY: Proposes 40 x 100 ft lots throughout.
CONCERNS: Incompatible and inconsistent with the existing community, adjacent homesites on Dewey Robbins Road and Turkey Lake Road are on 5 and 10 acres or more; increased traffic; impact to schools; loss of rural character. Staff report indicates development is premature "at this time" leaving door open for approval in the very near future.
PROCESS: Proposed Annexation into the City of Leesburg Municipal Boundary requires a Large Scale Comprehensive Plan Amendment and several steps including:
Planning Staff review
a Public Hearing before the Leesburg Planning Commission,
a First Reading and Public Meeting including a presentation by the developer and discussion only by the City Commission;
transmittal of project information submitted to the State Department of Economic Opportunity for their review;
a Second Reading and Public Hearing before the Leesburg City Commission where a decision will be made by the five- member Leesburg City Commission to Approve or Deny.
1. Project is premature and cites the City's Comprehensive Plan Policy: Future Land Use Element, Policy 1.8.3 Annexation states "The city shall pursue a policy of annexation which will provide for the most efficient use of public facilities and services, eliminate areas of jurisdictional problems, and provide for sound growth and development of the city and surrounding area."
2. Project is incompatible with the character of the surrounding area and cites the City's Comprehensive Plan, Policy 1.6.1 Inconsistencies, of the Future Land Use Element states that "Proposed land use amendments which are inconsistent with the character of the community or inconsistent with adjacent future land uses shall not be approved by the City."
3. Proposed zoning is not compatible with adjacent land uses in Lake County. Cites Future Land Use Element, Objective 1.8 Adjacent jurisdictions states "The City shall promote compatibility of adjacent land uses with Lake County and the neighboring Cities." Development at this time, along with the proposed size of the lots at this location is not compatible with adjacent land uses in Lake County.
June 14, 2021 - Leesburg Planning Staff Recommended Denial
June 14, 2021 - Leesburg Planning Commission Voted Denial
June 28, 2021 - First Reading with the Leesburg City Commission
with information only, no decision required
August 11, 2021 – Letter from Lake County Commission to
Leesburg Commission requesting postponement of Second Reading
and review of Interlocal Service Boundary Agreement.
August 23, 2021 – CANCELLED - Second Reading with the Leesburg City
Commission with a decision to Approve or Deny has been cancelled. Check the
City of Leesburg website for the new date or check back here.
October 25, 2021 - Monday 5:30PM. Second Reading with the Leesburg City
Commission with a decision to Approve or Deny
Greatly reduced density
Conservation Design principles with at least 50% open space
Wider buffers adjacent to existing rural residents
Connectivity to future county trails proposed for HWY 27
Other concerns as presented by residents